Tag Archives: louisvillefashion


Patriotic poise. Krissy at Monkey Wrench.

Shot by Amber (on an iPhone…couldn’t let this one get away. US fans really went all out last night!)

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Beautiful braid. McKenna on E. Market Street.

Shot by Amber

Vintage Pretty Gritty! Lots of Halloween parties and events this weekend. These guys might inspire costume ideas:

Jazz trumpet player and orchestra leader Clyde McCoy with trumpet and sousaphone player, Louisville, KY. Clyde attended Louisville Male High School. Here he poses with his trumpet while wearing a plaid baseball uniform (over a shirt and tie) and baseball glove. Another man, unidentified, plays Sousaphone while wearing the catcher’s costume. Date not specified. University of Louisville Photo Archives

Have fun!

Pretty Gritty from the road – last week we were in Amherst, Northampton, Chicopee, and Holyoke, Mass. 

Jamie on N. Pleasant Street, Amherst, Massachusetts.