Spotted by Casey
Vintage Pretty Gritty Day! Have a great weekend, biking, flea marketing, trolley hopping, and whatever else! And if you didn’t see, apparently Louisville is a cyclist’s paradise? Thoughts?
Young man with bicycle, circa 1904.
UofL Photo Archives, Furnas Family Album Collection.
Vintage Pretty Gritty Day!
Who’s ready for swim season? Bathing Beauties at Fontaine Ferry Park in 1935.
Where do you swim in town, around town? The quarry seems like a bust.
Thanks to the UofL Photographic Archives!
Vintage Pretty Gritty day!
Woman (possibly Fannie Caldwell Macaulay, an author) with parasol. Peewee Valley, Oldham Co. Date unknown.
Thanks to the UofL Photo Archives.
Have a great weekend!
In case you missed it, we did a fun spread for Louisville Magazine featuring unique fan style at the UK vs. UofL game in Jan. Check out the full spread here (pages 74-75) or grab a copy of the magazine!